Founder & CEO
Bryan Wong is a Patent Expert, who has 16 years’ experience in providing consultancy in Intellectual Property (IP) to Companies and investors in various fields. He has applied & registered hundreds of patents and industrial designs (ID) in Malaysia and overseas. Prior to IP, he was an Advanced Applications Engineer with Altera Corp (now Intel) for 6 years, in the field of FPGA.
Business Consulting
Fusce at nisi eget dolor rhoncus facilisis. Mauris ante nisl consectetur et luctus porta dolor curabitur ultricies ultrices nulla mattis vulputate amet cursus.
Cras eu elit congue, placerat dui tincidunt. Nulla leo elit, pharetra bibendum justo quis, cursus consectetur eratnec posuere.
Bryan Wong is a Patent Expert, who has 15 years’ experience in providing consultancy in Intellectual Property (IP) to Companies and investors in various fields. He has applied & registered hundreds of patents and industrial designs (ID) in Malaysia and overseas. Prior to IP, he was an Advanced Applications Engineer with Altera Corp (now Intel) for 6 years, in the field of FPGA.
- Registered Patent Agent, ID Agent and Trade Mark Agent with the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO); and Registered Plant Variety Protection (PVP) Agent.
- Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, majoring in Mechatronics from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia. Expertise in Robotics, Embedded Control, Machine Learning (ML).
- MBA from the University of South Australia (UniSA).
- Certified Professional Trainer under Human Resources Development Corporation (HRD CORP) Accredited Trainer.
Bryan’s technical background and strong business acumen is liked among many investors, resulting in quick understanding of technical subjects and comprehensive technical and business advice. He majors in automation, medical devices, GreenTech. IoT, AI and many others.
He has consulted local and overseas MNCs, PLCs, governments, universities, and associations; and universities, business associations, exhibitions and seminars.
Eunice Ooi holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance from Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Malaysia. She is instrumental in managing the Company’s operational, finance and administrative activities, enabling the Company to provide the highest value of services to our clients.
Darren Lai holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Management from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia. He has experience in handling patent registration matters for numerous inventors. His quick grasp and understanding of the inventors’ inventions enables him to provide valuable, efficient, and comprehensive patent registration services to our clients.
Why Choose Us
Trusted, professional, experienced, strong technical skills, immaculate service, strong track record.
24/7 Customer Support
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538 Projects Completed
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40 Offices Worldwide
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